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Already have an NDIS plan? Please see below



Introduction to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS):​


  • NDIA can provide funding to cover the costs of therapies, resources, and supports for individuals with a disability.

  • NDIS defines disability as intellectual, physical, sensory, cognitive or psychosocial disability. In addition to this, they can also provide early intervention supports for children under 7 years old with developmental delay.

  • A plan is developed with NDIA which can include funds allocated to psychology therapy sessions.

  • The entire session fee is covered by your NDIS funding (i.e. no gap fee), up to the maximum allocated in your plan

  • Check if you or your child may be eligible for NDIS: ndis access checklist ​

    • NDIS states that they can support individuals who:
      "Have a permanent disability that:

      • reduces your ability to participate effectively in activities, or perform tasks or actions, unless you have support, and

      • affects your capacity for social and economic participation, and

      • means you are likely to require support under the NDIS for a lifetime."

  • For current clients who are applying for NDIS, Grace can help by providing professional material which supports the level of clinical assistance needed

  • Follow these links for more information about NDIS. Or more specifically about Early Intervention support through NDIS (ages 0-6).



I have an NDIS plan, can I use it to see Dr Grace Hancock?


If you would like to use some of your plan funds to see Grace for psychological assessment or therapy, please ensure the following:

  • You have funds allocated to the support area "Improved Daily Living"

    • This can be within either 'Therapeutic Supports' (ages 7 years and over) or 'Early Childhood Intervention' (ages 0-6 years)​

  • Your plan manager confirms that your funding can be used for the type of psychological service that you are seeking​

  • Your NDIS funding is self-managed or plan-managed. Unfortunately Grace is unable to see clients who have their NDIS funding managed by NDIA directly.




Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.




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